


Tailings from Zn ore processing as raw-material for glass-ceramic coating

Autores: Marcus Fonseca, Carlos Motta, Jorge Cunha, Rodrigo Gomes, Caio van Deursen e Flávio Padula

Veiculo: Tailings 2022 | Online Conference

Ano: 2022

Tipo: Artigo

Resumo: Immobilization and transformation of mining tailings have been considered an alternative aligned with the ESG strategy for producing glass-ceramic coating. In this regard, the route of controlled crystallization of glasses derived from these tailings is the key to absorb the large volume mined and cost reduction on dams and its decommissioning. In addition, the need to stimulate employment and income for mine-side communities can be satisfied by introducing glass-ceramic coating production after depletion of mines. For example, recovery of tailings from NEXA Resources’ Unit in Três Marias – Minas Gerais, Brazil –, where Zn ores are processed and can generate 550,000 m2 of high-quality glass-ceramic coating, can provide revenue from a by-product usually classified as cost. Production of glass-ceramic coatings using only mining tailings is displayed throughout this work. Methodology includes homogenization, melting, grinding, particle size distribution, forming and heat treatment operations. The properties of the resulting material are exhibited in order to prove its quality. This technology is based on the dynamics of mineral exploitation, change of mining fronts, and the variability of what has already been disposed in dams for years. This approach, developed both technically and economically, ensures a new vision on managing waste and innovation in contrast to traditional solutions. The next step is to apply this approach to other mining tailings and evaluate this technology in metal recovery processes.

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