Maturity-based analysis of emerging technologies in the brazilian power sector
Autores: Marlon Max H. Bellido, PhD, Hudson Lima Mendonça, M.Sc, Marcus Vinicius de Araújo Fonseca, PhD, David Alves Castelo Branco, PhD, Amaro Olimpio Pereira Jr., PhD
Veículo: Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 243, 10 January 2020, 118603
Ano: 2020
Tipo: Artigo
Abstract: This study proposes a methodology for quantifying the development level of new technologies introduced into the Brazilian Power Sector. The objective is to provide information reflecting technological trends, thus creating opportunities to invest in startups. Based on the findings of a survey conducted with CleanTech startups in Brazil, this analysis is based on Hype Cycle curves for the three main technologies: energy storage, photovoltaic panels and microgrids. The assessment shows that photovoltaic panels and microgrid technologies are more mature than energy storage. However, expectations for technologies available on the market are decreasing, due mainly to a lack of incentives for their use.
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