Use of monopoly as a tool for teaching entrepreneurship and financial education? Old wine in new bottles
Autores: Cruz, E.P. ; BARBOSA, Y. ; FALCAO, R.P de Q. ; Mancebo, R.C.
Veículo/Evento: In: USASBE – 2018 Annual Conference, 2018, Los Angeles. Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Los Angeles: USASBE, 2018. v. 1. p. 96-122.
Ano: 2018
Tipo: Artigo
Resumo: The paper is based on teaching practices of entrepreneurship and financial education encompassing five aspects of extant literature: action, empathy, creation, experimentation and reflection. It aims at showing how board games could be used in teaching ‘Investment Analysis’. Classes were divided into groups of six members each, and attributed three different investor profiles to students: aggressive, moderate and conservative. Students were monitored when ‘investing’ in rounds of twenty minutes and reported their experience. Financial trajectory of each participant was identified, drawing a parallel behavior to the reality in which the entrepreneurs are exposed. Implications for entrepreneurship education are discussed.
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