Immigrant entrepreneurship: a study on brazilian businesses at pompano beach? Florida
Autores: Cruz, E.P.; FALCAO, R.P de Q.; BARRETO, C. R.
Veículo: In: USASBE – United States Association for Small Business Entrepreneurship, 2017, Philadelphia. USASBE – Conference Proceedings – 2017, 2017. v. 2017. p.41-61.
Ano: 2017
Tipo: Artigo em Anais de Congresso
Resumo: This exploratory case study on small-business owners in Florida, analyzes a Brazilian entrepreneurial community settled in Pompano Beach, the second largest Brazilian community in the U.S., and apparently typical ethnic enclave. The paper’s relevance relates to the current debate on immigration and to the collective understanding of the entrepreneurial aspects of these immigrants. Moreover, it contributes to entrepreneurship education with its insights about entrepreneur behavior and strategic choices among that specific group. This phenomenon has opened many study possibilities related to Brazilian nationals venturing overseas, such as its impact on the local communities regarding labor relations, economic mobility and transnationalism.
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